Monday, September 29, 2014

Lettering in Choir

Just like many sports you are able to letter in Choir. Here are some examples of ways to earn a letter as well as the points needed for each level. It is possible to receive more than one letter in a year. Lettering point forms are located in "Classroom Materials."

Initial Letter= 450
Pin1= 900
Pin 2= 1350
Pin 3= 1800

Sing in a choir outside of school 10 (aka meets weekly, such as church or youth chorus)
National Anthem (solo or group) 5
soloist several songs (wedding, funeral) 10
Caroling 5
Attend Concert (must bring ticket stub or program) 5
Help MS Solo Ensemble 10
Musical Lead solo 25
musical chorus 10, 5 points for additional songs
solo ensemble (group) 25 C or B class
solo ensemble (group) 30 A class
solo ensemble solo 25 C or B class
solo ensemble solo 30 A class
State solo ensemble 50
helping conductor 5 points per half hour
Honors Choir 50
Leadership 25
Promptness 5

Choir Handbook

There is a copy of the Choir Handbook in the link to the right labeled "Classroom Materials" in case you were to lose it or need it at home.